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Community sense prevails: Over 45 Kashmiri youth donate blood to save a life at New Delhi hospital

Suhail Dar

In a remarkable display of unity and compassion, more than 45 Kashmiri boys stepped forward to donate blood to save the life of a fellow Kashmiri undergoing open-heart surgery at Delhi Apollo Hospital.

The call for assistance was met with an overwhelming response after Shahid Nanda, Chairman of The Kashmir Blood Donors, and his colleague Huzaif of Pleasing Kashmir took charge of the situation.

The family of the patient, originally from Srinagar, informed Shahid Nanda that the hospital required 25 pints of blood for the critical surgery.

Acting swiftly, a union of all NGOs entrusted Shahid Nanda and Huzaif with the responsibility of coordinating the blood donation efforts.

Shahid Nanda leveraged social media, particularly his Facebook page “The Kashmir Blood Donors,” and other platforms, to broadcast the urgent need for blood.

The response was nothing short of extraordinary, with hundreds of donors reaching out from various parts of the valley.

The community’s outpouring of support and willingness to contribute resulted in the closure of the case with an impressive 45 units of blood collected, surpassing the initial requirement.

The family expressed gratitude, noting that they received more than enough blood to meet the demands of the surgery.

This heartwarming incident serves as a powerful example of how community initiatives, led by individuals like Shahid Nanda and facilitated through social media outreach, can bring about positive change and save lives in times of need.

The spirit of solidarity displayed by the Kashmiri community in New Delhi echoes the resilience and compassion that define the essence of humanity.

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