Bhat Yasir
The Director Tourism, Kashmir Dr. G N Itoo inaugurated an old-renovated cafeteria at Rengi Pattan in the Baramulla district on Saturday.
The Cafeteria made on a water body along the roadside of Srinagar-Baramulla National Highway at Rengi Pattan was in dilapidated condition before the Department of Tourism renovated flomax online buy flomax no prescription
On Saturday, Director of Tourism Kashmir Dr. G N Itoo inaugurated the renovated cafeteria and opened it open for public use. SDM Pattan – Syed Faheem, Incharge Tehsildar Pattan – Mubashir Amin, SDPO Pattan – Zaffar Mehdi were also present during the inaugural function.
The director Tourism also visited Babareshi, Sranzfall and Ziyarat Sharif Kreeri.
G N Itoo, while talking to The Kashmiriyat, appealed to the people to help the department keep the beautiful destinations neat and clean.
“I request the general public to help and keep monitoring the maintenance and protection of the assets of the department”, G N Itoo said
General Public while hailing the work of Director Tourism appealed to him to add more facilities at Cafeteria and make boats available in a water body.