Pakistan Raises Kashmir Issue at UN, India Aghast

By News Desk

June 16, 2020

On Monday, Pakistan raised the issue of Kashmir in the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC), while as India lambasted it and expressed serious concern over its audacity.

In the 43rd session of the UNHRC, Senthil Kumar, the first secretary of India’s Permanent Mission, accused Islamabad of misusing the rights forum when Pakistan raised the issue of Kashmir.

He asked the neighboring country to introspect its serious human rights conditions before giving unwanted advice to anyone.

Drawing the attention of the Council on the crimes against humanity in Pakistan, India said that the way Pakistan is discriminating against minorities in its planned and institutionalized form of blasphemy is a matter to be seen.

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Kumar said that the decision taken by India last year regarding Article 370 was free from outside influence, He said that the people of Jammu Kashmir have thwarted Pakistani efforts to disturb the peace.