Tehsildar Dooru visits SDH Dooru, Reviews winter preparedness in hospital

By News Desk

January 06, 2022

Sheikh Nadeem

On the directions of D.C. Anantnag, tehsildar Dooru Khalid Muzafar, along with officials of Revenue Department T.S.O. and Jammu Kashmir police visited the S.D.H. Dooru to look into the medicare facilities and patient care in the hospital.

Tehsildar Dooru enquired about the Healthcare facilities and heating arrangements in the hospital.The Medical Officers were also directed to ensure round the clock functioning of hospitals and availability of medicines, doctors, and paramedical staff, he said.

Later on, Tehsildar Dooru Khalid Muzafar alongwith officers of Revenue, enforcement wing and police, conducted a surprise market checking in Dooru town.

“The checking was aimed to ensure quality, to curb black marketing, profiteering of essential commodities, to keep vigil on erring shopkeepers during winter. Checking team interacted with the shopkeepers and urged them to strictly adhere to the COVID-19 guidelines issued by administration for the public benefit. They also requested them to display rate lists at their respective shops,” he said.

Shopkeepers were advised to use face masks, gloves, sanitizers, hand washes etc. and to maintain hygiene in their establishments, and were requested not to indulge in overpricing, black marketing, hoarding.

During the market checking, fine was also realized from erring shopkeepers who did not have display fresh rate list in the sho