Who Will Get My Three Sisters Married Now?- Slain Civilian asked before he died

By News Desk

August 04, 2018

August 04

Bilal Ahmed Khan son of Ali Mohammad khan of Pujoo Kral check village of Shopian district who was killed at the funeral of slain militant Arshid khan at Ganopora was bread maker by profession and sole bread earner of his family.

Locals told The Kashmiriyat that upto 11 am in the morning he was at his shop busy in selling bread in his native and after the news of the killing of a militant Arshid khan from Ganopora spread and his dead body has reached home, he like others shut his shop and ran to take part in his last rites.

A friend of Bilal speaking to The Kashmiriyat said, “Six of our friends went by foot to reach Ganopora and take part in funereal prayers however after offering funeral prayers we were about to return back home that militants appeared in funeral prayers and as militants offered gun salutes, forces who were hiding in nearby orchards came running towards the protesters and fired many shots on them in which bilal received bullet injuries.”

After army opened fire bilal was lying there in a pool of blood for about twenty minutes as everyone was running for cover and no body dared to take him to hospital, he said.

After some time somehow we managed to reach upto him and shift to district hospital Shopian however on reaching there doctors declared them dead, he said.

On the way to the hospital, he told his friend in a dying voice, “Brother who will get my three sisters married now,” he told.

Bilal was the sole bread earner to his family as he along with younger brother was making bread in his native village and no one other than him was earning hand.

Bilal is survived by ailing father, mother , 3 unmarried brothers and two sisters who are studying in class 4th and 6th in a local government school.

Belonging to economically very weak family with very little orchard land, Bilal’s father often remains ill who is suffering from heart cialis soft online no prescription

Meanwhile thousands of people participated in funeral prayers of slain Bilal and he was laid to rest after multiple funeral prayers in his native village.

According to the officials, 32 civilians were killed in the firing of Government Forces this year, most of the them have died during clashes near encounter sites.

Kashmir has been gripped by a fresh wave of killings since the killing of a local Militant commander, Burhan Wani on July 08, 2016.

More than 30,000 civilians have been killed as per official figures since 1988 when an Armed Militancy broke against the Indian rule, however unofficial stats put the number at more than 90,000 Civilians.

Kashmir has been divided between India and Pakistan, the nations have engaged in three wars since their independence claiming the Kashmir region in its entirety.