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3 Youth from Jammu Region have Likely Joined Militants

July 16

Amid growing Militancy in Kashmir, the militancy is moving to the Chenab Valley of Jammu region as well.
The last week, a photograph of Abid Hussain Butt of Soujan from Doda town joining Lashkar-e-Toiba had gone viral over the social networking.

Now one more youth identified as Talib Gujjar of Kishtwar District has joined the Hizbul Mujahideen, as per news reports.

Talib is said to be missing from his home for the past two years.

Talib was declared an active militant recently following inputs about his movement with an armed group in Dachhan area.

Police came to know about Abid, code named Abu Tarab, after the LeT uploaded his photograph carrying arms on social media.

Militant organisations have been luring youth from everywhere, including other parts of India, as per Jammu Kashmir Police.

In March, Government forces had killed three Militants in Hakura area of South Kashmir including Mohammad Taufeeq of Telangana.

Another youth from Assam involved in a garment business in Kishtwar town had joined militant ranks in Dachhan area earlier this year.

Two more youths from Kishtwar, Javed and Mudassir, are also missing and believed to have joined the LeT, sources said.

The Chenab Valley comprising Doda, Kishtwar and Ramban districts had been declared free of militancy in 2011.
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