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469.92 Crore disbursed under District Credit Action Plan 2018-19 in Anantnag Islamabad by June end

September 15

District Development Commissioner Islamabad (Anantnag) , Mohammad Younis Malik who is also the chairman of District Level Consultative Cum Committee (DLCC) chaired the meeting of DLRC for the 1 st quarter ending June -2018 here at Dak Bunglow Khanabal to review the progress achieved under District Credit Action Plan – 2018-19.

The District Lead Bank Officer, Mr. Ali Mohammad Lone on the occasion informed the meeting that the total deposits in the district have reached to Rs 430454 lakhs, while the total advances under various schemes have touched to Rs. 328866 lacs by end of June 2018 in the district.

The LDM, Anantnag informed the meeting that a total credit target of Rs.1895.85 crores has been fixed for the District under Credit Action Plan 2018 which include Rs.1492.03 crores under Agriculture & Allied sectors (total priority sector), Rs.403.83 crore non-priority sector. While informing about the sector- wise progress achieved by the banks by the end of June – 2018 he stated that under priority sector, an advancement of Rs.269.84 crores has been made in favour 9698 beneficiaries against the lending target of Rs 1492.03 crores, thereby registering an achievement of 18%, under non-priority sector against a credit target of Rs.403.83 crore, an advancement of Rs.200.08 crore has been disbursed by the end of June – 2018.

The total advancement released under the Credit Action Plan has been recorded as Rs. 469.92 crore in the district by the end of June – 2018.

Under KCC against a credit target of Rs. 1221.72 crores for 80525 farm operating families, a loan of Rs. 1189.08 crores stand disbursed in favour of 65943 farm operating families by the end of June – 2018.

The Director RSETI informed the meeting that 03 training programmes were conducted by RSETI, Bijbehara in which 58 candidates were imparted skill development training out of which 31 candidates have been provided credit linkage, the cases of 37 candidates have been settled by the end of June -2018.

Under Housing for All Schemes DUDA has sponsored 43 cases to various urban business units /bank branches out of which 05 cases were sanctioned amounting Rs.15 lacs.

The meeting decided that insurance cover to MGNREGS job card holders will be provided under PMAPY, PMJJBY and PMSBY for which the LBM was directed to take up the matter with Assistant Commissioner Development.

With respect to linking of Aadhar numbers with the banking accounts for availing benefits under different schemes, all the bankers have been directed to establish Aadhar linkage centres for enrolment.

The District Social Welfare Officer was also directed to submit the validation list of the beneficiaries under different schemes to the banks for electronic benefit transfer.

Meanwhile, the DDC instructed all the officers and bankers to work in synergy so that tangible improvements are witnessed at the ground level. He said that due to lack of awareness, people are not coming forward to avail benefits under different schemes.

He also called for organising of camps at educational institutions so that students belonging to lower income families are able to avail loans in order to get a better education.

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