Thursday, March 6News and updates from Kashmir

A Letter that Went Missing in the Pages of History

The Editor,

Al Safah, Srinagar(kmr)


Respected Sir,

we, the undersigned, on our behalf and on the behalf of other members of our community wish to convey our profound gratitude to you for having published the letter of Shri K.L.Roul in the columns of your esteemed daily. We fully share and endorse the views and sentiments expressed by Shri Koul.

There can be no dispute about the fact the Kashmiri Pandit community was made a scapegoat by Jagmohan, some self-styled leaders of our community and other vested interests. This drama was staged by Hindu communal organizations like the B.J.P, R.S.S., and the Shiv Sena in connivance with the state administration. In this drama, the main characters were played by Advani, Vajpayee, Mufti and Jagmohan (the then Governor), and the state administration was made to play the role of a joker. It is an open secret now that the Indian occupation forces had drawn a plan to massacre a large section of Kashmiri Muslims, particularly those in the age group of 14-25 so that people could be enslaved and subjugated for all the times to come. This plan was formulated by Advani, Vajpayee, Mufti and Jagmohan. According to reliable and well-informed sources, the plan was to make the K.P’s (Kashmiri Pandits) migrate from the valley so that mass uprising against the Indian Forces could be painted as a communal flare-up and the massacre of the Muslims could be termed as a fight against the communal forces and measure for the restoration of law and order.

The orders to foreign journalists to vacate the valley and restriction and the restrictions on the local press should be seen in that scenario and perspective. The idea was to keep the world community ignorant of the real issue and create a cover for the sinister designs of the occupation Forces.

Some self-styled leaders of the Pandit community led by none other than that stove mechanic turned politician and a ‘pimp of Dr. Farooq Abdullah named H.N.Jattu, begged the Pandits to migrate from the valley. We were told that our migration was very vital for preserving and protecting “Dharm” and the unity and integrity of India. We were told that our Migration would pave the way for realizing the dream of Akhand Bharat. We were made to believe that the valley was about to be conquered by Pakistan, with the active support of local Muslims. We were made to believe that our migration was very important for Hinduism and for keeping India together. We were given to understand that it was purely a war between Hinduism and Islam.

At the same time, we were assured that as ‘soon as the people of the valley were silenced and made to surrender we shall be sent back to our homes. That day has yet to come and under the present circumstances, we do not see any such hope. we were assured in the names of all the gods and deities that we shall be looked after very well and we shall be provided with anything and everything we desire or demand. At the same time, we were threatened of dire consequences in case we did not obey the orders. We feel cheated because we understand now that it is not a war between two religions but the struggle for independence and the struggle for the right of self-determination which is the birthright of every human being.

What has been in store for our community ever since we migrated from our homes is a part of our history now. we have been exploited beyond limits and there is no end to our miseries, as the things stand now. we hold nobody responsible for the mess we are in now, but our own selves. We were fooled and we were more than willing to become fools. The Hindu communal Organizations, self-styled leaders, and Jagmohan acted as reagents only. This idiotic step of ours shall go down in history as unpatriotic and as a Living monument of our folly.

We Join Shree Koul on our behalf and on behalf of the sane members of our community (Thank god we are in majority) In appealing to our Kashmiri Muslim brothers and sisters to forgive us for the betrayal and allow us to return home. We strongly condemn the atrocities that are being unleashed on our brothers by the Indian forces. We also appeal to the government of India and to all peace-loving people of India to fulfill the promises that were given to us by their leaders like Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru.

We also appeal to the world community and the U.N.O to refrain India from committing atrocities against our Nation. We also appeal to U.N.O. to compel India and implement the resolutions passed in 1948 for the grant of the right to self-determination to the people of Kashmir and for holding a plebiscite in the state of Jammu Kashmir.

Kindly convey our respects and good wishes to our Muslim brothers and sisters. We salute their valor and courage which they are showing against the onslaught of occupation Forces. Please remind them that it is a very temporary phase and the blood of the great martyrs will be victorious very soon.

May our dream of living in a free, independent and prosperous, and prosperous country of Jammu and Kashmir be fulfilled very soon.

Signed by

Brij Nath Bhan, M.L Dhar, K.L Kaw, Kanya Lal Raina, G.N Daftari, Moti Lal Man, Chuni Lal Raina, M.L Munshi, G.N Gunjoo, Ashok Koul, C.L Parimoo, R.K Koul, Pran Nath, Pushkar Nath Bhat. Pran Nath Dhar, R.K Koul, M.L Razdan, Pushkar Nath Koul, S.N Bhat, Moti Lal Koul, Ashok Dhar, Kamal Raina, K. Koul, S.N Dhar

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