Thursday, March 6News and updates from Kashmir

Admin Conducts Market Checking in Islamabad (Anantnag) Township

February 12

Tawseef Nazir

ADDC of Islamabad (anantnag) along with Secretary Municipal council, Food safety officer and other officials today conducted market checking in various areas of this South Kashmir township.

During this checking on Tuesday afternoon, many erring traders were penalized.

The checking was aimed at ensuring the quality and price control and to keep vigil on erring traders.

During the inspection, the officials destroyed a huge quantity of edible items.

A fine to the tune of around 1000 rupees was also realized from various shopkeepers for violating the legal regulations.

On the occasion, the officials urged traders not to violate the rules besides displaying the rate lists at their respective trade centers and also warned the vendors not to encroach footpaths failing which action as per the law shall be initiated against them.

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