Monday, March 10News and updates from Kashmir

Administration Appoints Spokespersons for Hospitals in Srinagar

The Jammu Kashmir administration has appointed spokespersons for all Government hospitals in Srinagar.

An order was issued on Monday by the Dean and Principal of GMC in Srinagar in which the Medical Desk / Spokesperson of GMC Srinagar and Associated Hospitals have been appointed. The order issued states that this appointment has been made keeping in mind the growing covid cases so that the correct information can be shared with the media.

Dr. SM Salim Khan appointed as Spokesman for GMC Srinagar will be available on 9419013699.

Dr. Kanwarjeet Singh for SMHS  on the phone number 9419005218.

Dr. M. Salim Tak for CD Hospital can be reached at 9419002252 while Dr. Shabir Siddique has been appointed as spokesman for LD Hospital and can be reached at 9419733212.

Dr. Jahangir Bakshi for Super Specialty Hospital can be reached at 9419010288.

Dr. Nazir Chaudhary has appointed as spokesman for  GB Pant Hospital and can be reached at 9419008660.

Dr. Suhail Mian spokesman for Bone And Joint Hospital can be reached at 9469079331.

Dr. Asif Khande has been appointed as a spokesman for Kashmir Nursing Home  and can be reached at 9622000044

Dr. Aijaz Baba   has been appointed as the spokesman for Psychiatry Disease Hospital   and will be available at 9419002526

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