On Saturday, the Special Judge NIA TADA Court granted interim bail to Journalist Fahad Shah, who was arrested on February 04 for coverage of an encounter, where a family had alleged that their son, who the forces alleged was a militant, was an innocent civilian.
The majesty of law has been upheld, the Special Court designated under the NIA act admitted @pzfahad to interim bail. The administration couldn't dominate maliciously while the judiciary rescued him courageously. Thank you for the support from every corner and everyone. @tkwmag
— Umair Ronga (@umairronga) February 26, 2022
Fahad had covered both the police and the family version.
Also Read:Pulwama Police register FIR for Uploading ‘Anti National’ content, Journalist Fahad Shah Arrested
Fahad had been booked under section 13 UAPA (punishment for unlawful activities), IPC 124 A (sedition) and IPC 505 (intent to incite).