Monday, March 3News and updates from Kashmir


Romance in the Hills- The Immortal Story of Habakhatoon and the Last Kashmiri Emperor

Sameer Bhat Naad ha layei, Myani Yusufo wallo [Am calling out for you, come my Yusuf] ~quoted by the wandering Zoon, also known by her famous nom de plume, HabaKhatoon, the ravishing beauty, songster wife of Kashmir’s last independent king Yusuf Shah Chak. The year is 1579. The day is cloudy and unseasonably cool. There is talk that Emperor Akbar in a fit of secular benevolence has abolished Jizya – per capita tax on the unbelievers – and the plains of neighboring Hindustan are agog with songs of gramercy. Kashmir is a tiny independent kingdom, ringed by the mahogany mountains of Pir Panjal. A lot of wild strawberry has grown in the valley this season. Early morning a white horse has been seen cantering in the hills. The lone horseman appears regal. More than a huntsman, he looks l...

Trapped in Corona- Mumbai Man Hosted by Kashmiri Family Since 46 Days

Sajad Hameed Amid Lock-down to Prevent Covid-19 from spreading further, a family in  Kunzar area of Tangmarg in North Kashmir is hosting a Hindu man from Mumbai in Mahrastra from the last 40 days, in a great display of Humanity. Amid attacks on Kashmiris in Himachal Pradesh in first week of April, Gotham Parikh, 42, who is a resident of Mumbai has been residing with this Muslim family like a family member at Kunzer's Utkioo Village of Baramulla, which shows real example of brotherhood, humanitarian and religious tolerance. Gotham was on tour purposes at the world famous tourist resort Gulmarg and other places in Valley but since lock-down over pandemic COVID-19 in India, he could not return home. The family of Mohammed Irshad, kept him in their residential house and have been host...

Dehradun Resident Rescued by Locals After ‘Tragic’ Accident- Try to Contact his Family in Dehradun

May 04 Sajad Hameed A Dehradun Local has met a tragic accident in Qazigund area of South Kashmir earlier this week and is currently admitted in SMHS hospital of Srinagar. Eyewitnesses told The Kashmiriyat that a Dehradun resident identified as Navajish Ansari, a resident of Gandhi Road in Dehradun was hit by a truck and when he was spotted by a group of locals he was lying down in a pool of blood. In an exemplar of humanity and Kashmiriyat, The locals rushed to his assistance and rushed him to the SMHS in Srinagar which is almost 70 kilometers away from the spot of accident in Qazigund, after which they tried to contact his family. However, they have been unable to do so. The Police station in Qazigund has also deputed one of its men to safeguard the injured Dehradun resi...

This weekend plan a trip to Athwatoo! District Admin throws open Tourist Complex

May 02 Mohammed Umar The Tourist Complex at Athwatoo has been thrown open for public soon after its completion in Bandipora and has witnessed a huge rush. Soon after its completion by Wullar Mansbal Development Authority at the cost of Rs 4 crore, the complex was thrown open for public without any official function owing to the Model Code of Conduct (MCC) in place. An official in Bandipora said that the district administration was keen to complete the construction of this complex as there was a demand for having an accommodation for tourists in the most visited tourist spot in Bandipora. About 12 Kilo-meters from the district headquarters, Athwatoo village is tucked between two mountains with lush green forests while the Madhumati stream flows through the heart of it. The hamlet has...

Rare Hand-Made Kashmiri Shawls to be Auctioned in UK

April 28 A private collection of rare hand-woven Kashmiri shawls dating back to the 17th century are on offer at auction by Christie’s here. Described as “treasured heirlooms”, the auction house has announced that the online sale will take place between June 11 and 18 with prices ranging from 1,000 pounds to 12,000 pounds. “This ‘Important Private Collection of Kashmir Shawls’ is perhaps the most significant collection of shawls ever to be offered at auction. Dating back from the 17th to the late 19th century, these hand-woven, decorated Kashmir shawls were created as items of luxury,” Christie’s said in a statement. “Traditionally worn by men and women, these treasured heirlooms were handed down in the family for generations, prized for the very fine quality of wool used and t...

SIkh Youth From Kashmir Releases his Song ‘Panun Kashmir’

April 16 A Kashmiri sikh singer from Tral area of South Kashmir, has released his latest Kashmiri song, on Monday. The song titled as “Panun Kashmir” is Kashmiri based, which is sung at famous tourist resort Pahalgam, by emerging singer of South Kashmir, Gurdeep Singh alias Deep Singer and is being released in the second week of April, 2019. Gurdeep, hails from Begund village of Chandrigam in Tral, who besides his daily work, use to sing Punjabi as well as Kashmiri songs, in and outside the state, from last few years. He has sung beautiful Punjabi and Kashmiri songs so far and has received many awards and appreciations for his best performances, particularly in Kashmir and Punjab. After getting “good responses” to his songs from the people, he has decided to sing “Panun Kash...

Meet Azmat Ali- Woman with a Mission to Save Kashmiri Culture

A Kashmir with abundant resources, where you simply scatter seeds and harvest fruit, and everybody is a friend and a welcome guest. A place where stories are told under the stars and songs are sung around the fire, where wisdom passed on to robust, hopeful young people. That is the Kashmir, Azmat Ali Mir is trying to capture and preserve for generations to come. A mission-minded woman, Azmat Ali Mir recently organized a grand Kashmiri cultural event 'Koshur Saal' thousands of miles away from Kashmir. In her childhood days, she was moved to respond to the suffering and poverty she witnessed around her in Kashmir. With the profit garnered from the grand event at Bangalore, Azmat strives to carry on the mission to serve the poor, sick and uneducated - especially craftsmen, children to help...

“Afsoos Duniya,” Rajab Hamid- The Shakespeare and Minstrel of Tral

March 31 Nawaz Ibn Ahad فسوس دنیا کانسئ نا لوءگ سمسار سیتی۔ پتو لاکن وچھتہ کم کم مزار واتیء۔۔ (Alas! This world is never there to last, Behold! How all the Great Men finally landed at the Graveyard) ‘All year round the lover is mad, unkempt, lovesick and in disgrace. Without love there is nothing but grief. In love.. what else matters? The Sufi poets combined a rare combination of lyrical eloquence with a profound mystical revelation. There words are timeless, appealing to the hearts of those aspiring for truth and beauty. Sufism is the mystical branch of Islam. It has its roots in the Qu’ran and the Islamic tradition, but at the same times encompasses the universal mysticism that we see in other spiritual traditions. The essence of Sufism is the simple path of loving God. The S...

Kashmir- After a Winter of Discontent, Spring Arrives with New Hopes

March 31 Sajad Hameed As flowers bloom and birds set their flights, trees and gardens return to bloom after a harsh winter which also witnessed anger and discontent in Kashmir, with a surge in killings, stone throwing, bans and arrests, people in Kashmir always have linked peace to Spring, however almost every year, the hope seems to be lessening as Kashmir continues to witness bloodshed. The Kashmiriyat brings to you the first images from the Kashmir valley from 2019's spring as it makes entry into the Kashmir valley.  If there be a paradise on the Earth, it is this, it is this, it is this... Kashmir's beauty is particularly enhanced during the spring season.