Thursday, September 19News and updates from Kashmir



Engineer Rashid’s release set to shift Kashmir’s political discourse

Engineer Rashid’s release set to shift Kashmir’s political discourse

In the world of Kashmir politics, just when you think you've seen it all, the plot thickens. And who else but Engineer Rashid could stir the pot mere days before the assembly elections in Jammu Kashmir? Released on bail after five years in Tihar Jail, Rashid is expected to shake things up. Not just a man, but a force of nature—or so his supporters claim—his return is like the cliffhanger in a soap opera that keeps you glued to the screen. Except, this isn’t fiction. It’s the highly unpredictable, often surreal world of Kashmir’s electoral politics. For those unfamiliar with Engineer Rashid and those who have failed to see Kashmiri political spectrum converted into a social media meme, let’s just say he’s not your average candidate. He didn’t just win against former Chief Minister Omar A...
Viral video scapegoating auto-rickshaw drivers may fuel classist hate in Kashmir

Viral video scapegoating auto-rickshaw drivers may fuel classist hate in Kashmir

A recent video circulating in Kashmir has garnered significant attention, with over 100,000 views on Facebook alone. In this video, an unknown person, presumably from the comfort of a car, shifts the blame for the city's traffic jams onto poor auto-rickshaw drivers. The narrator, comfortably seated in his car, invades the privacy of countless individuals on the road, singling out one auto-rickshaw driver while ignoring the motorcycles, scooters, and other vehicles equally contributing to the congestion. This video is a stark example of how social media can perpetuate and normalize violence against the poor, reinforcing societal inequalities and dehumanizing vulnerable populations. The language used in the video is dehumanizing and inflammatory. By blaming the auto-rickshaw drivers...
Rally turnouts may not be the barometer for electoral victory

Rally turnouts may not be the barometer for electoral victory

In the lately vibrant political landscape of Kashmir, Engineer Rashid's party is garnering substantial support through energetic rallies and roadshows in the Baramulla Lok Saba seat, despite the leader's detention in Delhi's Tihar jail since August 2019. Social media platforms reverberate with momentum rallying behind Rashid, as influencers both online and on the ground echo messages like "joined Er. Rashid," resonating deeply within public discourse. These fervent displays of support, characterized by frequent public rallies and vocal sloganeering, depict a resounding support for Rashid, a former member of the legislative assembly in Jammu Kashmir. Notably, even erstwhile pro-resistance academicians in Kashmir are aligning themselves with his cause, viewing his anticipated victory as a...
Noise pollution: Kashmiri media’s unfair spotlight on the vulnerable

Noise pollution: Kashmiri media’s unfair spotlight on the vulnerable

In a recent scoop, a Srinagar newspaper pointed fingers at street vendors for cranking up the volume on Baramulla's noise pollution dial. Some locals, quoted by the newspaper, promptly tagged the vendors as the usual suspects. While it's true that street vendors add their unique playlist to the pollution mix, it's essential to recognize that our society's noise pollution ensemble already has quite the repertoire. The bulk of the decibel drama unfolds in the elite circles – where vehicle honks form a symphony that would put a heavy metal concert to shame. Rumor has it; even the staff gets in on the honking action. The streets resemble a perpetual traffic jam concert, with horns blaring for no apparent reason, other than to assert vehicular dominance. Meanwhile, there's a musical fount...
JK sees 72 lakh tourists since September 2021: Admin

JK sees 72 lakh tourists since September 2021: Admin

More than 1.43 lakh tourists visited J&K in December 2021 and the number of tourists who visited J&K since September 2021 is over 72 lakh, the Tourism Ministry said on Thursday. While replying to a question in Rajya Sabha, Minister of Tourism G Kishan Reddy, as per news agency—Kashmir News Observer (KNO) said that the winter season has witnessed 100 percent occupancy of hotels in Srinagar and other tourist destinations. He said that on 28 June 2021 the government announced a stimulus package to boost diverse sectors of the economy affected by COVID-19 pandemic. The package comprises a total of 17 measures in three broad categories, which include economic relief from pandemic with special focus on health and reviving travel and tourism sectors and impetus for growth and employ...
Opinion- Hate Cam­paign of Man­jin­der Singh Sirsa Against Kashmiri Muslims Must be Stopped

Opinion- Hate Cam­paign of Man­jin­der Singh Sirsa Against Kashmiri Muslims Must be Stopped

Jagmohan Singh JIHAD is a sa­cred word for Mus­lims and I re­spect it. Mor­cha is a sa­cred word for the Sikhs and I re­spect it. Yud­dha is a sa­cred word for the Hin­dus and I re­spect that too. How­ever, the so­bri­quet of ‘Love Ji­had’ is a po­lit­i­cal term, coined in a deroga­tory man­ner against in­di­vid­u­als and com­mu­ni­ties pro­fess­ing Is­lam and I de­test it. Let us face re­al­ity. Whether it is Sikhs, Mus­lims or Hin­dus -all com­mu­ni­ties, per se, do not like, en­dorse or sup­port in­ter-faith mar­riages. All com­mu­ni­ties go into a tizzy in case a lady mem­ber of their com­mu­nity mar­ries or at­tempts to marry out of faith. The re­ac­tion of fam­i­lies and re­li­gious groups ranges from ac­cept­ing the will of the lady, re­gret­table res­ig­na­tion to fate, coun­...
Hate Churning Newsrooms of India- The Cacophony 24/7

Hate Churning Newsrooms of India- The Cacophony 24/7

Meher Qadri January in India hauled out a news anchor from his pompous studio, made him a news item, after his WhatsApp chats over several important issues concerning National Security was exposed by the Police in Maharashtra. From 'We won the attack like crazy' to ‘People Will be Elated’, the chats with BARC CEO Partho Dasgupta created widespread anger. Seemingly angry and anguished Goswami in the aftermath of the 14 February 2019 attack in Pulwama, when more than 40 paramilitary men were killed, used the hashtag #IndiaWanstRevenge. 'not condemnation, we want revenge', 'attack has to be avenged' were some of the catchlines used by a visibly sad Arnab, the same drums of avenge and revenge were being drummed across the sections of Indian media. But it was not just seeking reven...
The Cross of the Conscience

The Cross of the Conscience

Meher Qadri / Fizala Khan Heaven and hell suppose two distinct species of men, the good and the bad. But the greatest part of mankind float between vice and virtue. -David Hume History is filled with people who made difficult choices. The tussle between the good and the evil. Conquering our inner evil and choosing the right thing to do. Some we remember as heroes and some otherwise. The conflict between Good and Evil is a concept that has been there since the beginning of time. The dilemma is understood and recognized across civilizations. It takes selflessness and a deep understanding of suffering and empathy to sacrifice your safety and goals for others. Throughout history, a few such Altruists have fought against conformity and helped change the order of the world. What if ...
Kangana’s Failed Attempt at Rewriting The History of Kashmir

Kangana’s Failed Attempt at Rewriting The History of Kashmir

Manan Shah Over a recent trend of bio-pics and rewriting historical narratives, Bollywood seems to be living in a dilemma. The new self-proclaimed historian, Kangana Ranaut, happens to patronize and present history only in the manner in which she wants, not to mention without any basics. Of course, the trend is old and quite vaguely followed by her rightist associates. Only in the aforesaid manner, she has announced her upcoming project. The project is based on Queen Didda, the 12th-century queen of Kashmir. She mentions that queen Didda had defeated Mahmud of Ghazni, not once, but twice. However, History states something else. “Our India has been witness to the story of many Bravehearts like Rani of Jhansi. Another such untold heroic story is that of a queen of Kashmir, who defe...
Vegetarian Wazwan and the Naya Kashmir

Vegetarian Wazwan and the Naya Kashmir

Meher Qadri “You were huddled up there, as far from your childhood as you were from the land of oranges – the oranges that, according to a peasant who used to cultivate them until he left, would shrivel up if a change occurred, and they were watered by a strange hand"- The Land of sad Oranges- Ghassan Kannafani. Despotism is by no means limited to the domain of politics. “Oppression could only be fully understood when the understanding of it integrates the domains of both the political and the psychological. The psychological impact of oppression suggests that the erasure and removal of intrinsic cultural identities influenced by oppressive practices”- Prilleltensky and Gonick (1996). For us, it started with stereotyping of the Kashmiri identity in Bollywood films. A Pheran, the b...