Militant injured in gunfight arrested in Kupwara
April 06
Government forces on Friday claimed to have arrested a militant in injured condition from Juktiyal area of North Kashmir’s Kupwara district.
The militant believed to be a foreigner was injured in a gunfight that claimed 10 lives including five militants, three soldiers and two policemen at Check Fateh Khan of Haihama last month.
The militant had reportedly escaped in injured condition from the woods of Check Fateh Khan where gunfight raged for two days after starting on March 20.
The militant was apprehended during a cordon-and-search operation at Turshan area of Juktiyal. Prior to militant’s arrest, the joint team of army and SOG had made announcements asking people to come out of their homes, fearing a gunfight.
However, sources said that the militant was without arms and...