MMU denounces Karnataka High Court’s decision of upholding Hijab ban
Muttahida Majlis-e-Ulema (MMU) Jammu Kashmir, headed by incarcerated Mirwaiz Umar Farooq has deeply regretted the decision of Karnataka High Court to uphold band on hijab in educational institutions.
MMU in a statement, issued to Kashmir News Service (KNS) said that this is an interference in religious matters of Muslims and the Muslim personal law.
It said that this one-sided decision of the court adversely affects the right to education of Muslim women who want to continue their studies while wearing the hijab or veil.
“In this way so many of our daughters will be deprived of the fundamental right to education. The wearing of veil by these girls in no way undermines the rights of other students or causes them or the institution any inconvenience, so the issue in itself is a non ...