Sunday, June 16News and updates from Kashmir


2018 the year of Highest Militant Recruitment

July 30 Going by the stats in the first seven months of any year, Militant recruitment has been highest this year as revealed by officials. They say 110 Local youth have joined Militancy till July 15 this year. The increase in the number of local youths picking the gun last month came after June 16, which was Eid, when the ceasefire ended and the security forces decided to undertake operations,” a Srinagar-based security official is quoted saying in the report. The data has been compiled by Jammu Kashmir’s Multi-Agency Centre (MAC), which shows that April witnessed the highest number of youth joining militant ranks (28) and May was the lowest (14), However as per figures available to The Kashmiriyat reveal that at least 110 Youth have joined Militancy so Far. Indian Security ag...

Kashmiriyat- Kashmiri Pandit Recites Naat

July 30 In yet another display of communal harmoney between Muslims and Hindus in Kashmir, a group of migrant Kashmiri Pandits headed by Shanti Lal recited a Naat' (Exclusive praise of Prophet)after singing a Bhajan in famous tourist destination Pahalgam, during annual Amarnath yatra on Sunday. The Local Muslims also participated in 'Naat' recited by the elderly Pandit. Shanti Lal while speaking to the media said that the aim of reciting 'Naat' on the occasion was to strengthen the centuries-old bond of inter-communal harmony and brotherhood- Kashmir- is popular for across the world. "World should know the inter-communal harmony and brotherhood is thriving in Kashmir despite decades of turbulence," Lal said. Tens of thousands of minority Kashmiri Pandits migrated to differen...

3 Year old Mowed Down by School Bus in Srinagar

July 30 A child was mowed down by a school bus in Khanyar area of this capital city, reports said. The 3-year-old Wasif Qayoom died on the spot after he was mowed down by a school bus near Shiraz Chowk early this morning. The slain child hails from Nowgam area of uptown cialis online no prescription “We have arrested the driver and seized his vehicle. Further investigations are going on,” the Police said.

Tears of Mehbooba Mufti Are Crocodile Tears

July 29 The President of National Conference, Farooq Abdullah has said there are no buyers for Mehbooba Mufti's "crocodile tears" in the valley. He said that her new "theatrical drama" was aimed at "covering her disastrous, unjust and corrupt tenure". Abdullah was reacting to the speech of the PDP president at the party's foundation day function here yesterday in which she described allying with the BJP as "drinking a cup of poison". The youth of the state witnessed an unprecedented reign of persecution and harassment under her rule and her party went above and beyond the call of their duty to the BJP in helping them inflict irreparable damage on the state's autonomy and special status, he said. Farooq Abdullah asked where were Mehbooba's tears when young children were being...

At least 110 Local Youth Have Joined Militants Till July 15

July 29 Local youths joining Militant groups in the Kashmir Valley this year stood at 110 till July 15, with Shopian in south Kashmir accounting for the maximum recruitment at 28, officials said. The numbers have drastically gone up as being constantly in 2018 reported by The Kashmiriyat.  In 2017, the total recruitment stood at 126. Indian Security agency officials said highly volatile south Kashmir, comprising Shopian, Pulwama, Anantnag and Kulgam districts, remained a region accounting for a higher number of youths joining militant groups as 91 youths joined various Militant outfits from here. If this trend continues, 2018 may end up as the worst year in terms of number of youths joining various militant groups, according to the officials. South Kashmir districts have ...

Kashmir Looses Crores to Illegal Mining, Time for Kashmir to Wake up

July 29 Jammu Kashmir is annually loosing crores due to illegal extraction of sand,gravel and boulders from rivers. The unabated extraction is damaging bridges, triggering floods and taking away the pristine of the rivers. Though some sites have been auctioned by Geology and mining department however most of the sites are still unauctioned and the illegal extraction at these places is unabated. As observed by The Kashmiriyat, Hundreds of tractors, trippers, trucks and JCBs can be seen stripping the rivers beds daily from unauctioned sites despite repeated ban orders by administration. A top source within Geology and Mining Department told The Kashmiriyat that only block 12 has been auctioned in area between sangam to kakapora, however most of extraction goes on at unauctioned p...

MBA Pass out from South Kashmir Joins Lashkar e Taiba

July 28 Another Youth from South Kashmir has joined Militant ranks despite the escalating Militant deaths during Anti Militancy operations since the last year. Local Youth have been joining Militant ranks in huge numbers despite the plea of Police as well as Army officials to stay away from Militancy. Today another youth identified as Ishfaq Ahmad wani son of late Mohammad Yousuf wani resident of Koil village of Pulwama district who had been missing from last seven days has released his photograph with a gun. ALSO READ: Pulwama MBA Pass out has Likely Joined Militancy Sources told The Kashmiriyat that Ishfaq whose father was a famous Militant commander from Pulwama was killed on 31 August 1996. The 25 year old, a post graduate in Business Administration was as a fruit busines...

Another Policeman Abducted in South Kashmir

July 28 Suspected Militants have abducted yet another policeman from South Kashmir's Pulwama district late night on Friday. Sources told The Kashmiriyat that gunmen barged into the house of Shakeel Ahmed Lone at his residence in Chan Kitar area of Tral and abducted him late night on Friday. Earlier on July 20, a trainee constable Saleem was abducted from his residence in Mutalhama area of Kulgam, while he was on a leave. His bullet-riddled body, bearing severe torture marks, was recovered later. On July 5, constable Javaid Ahmad Dar, who was also at home on leave was abducted from Vehil, Shopian. His body was found in Kulgam next day.  

India has lost against Kashmiri people- Mirwaiz Qazi Yasir at Shopian

July 27 Despite Curfew like restrictions, the Chairman of Ummat e Islami and Mirwaiz of South Kashmir, Qazi Ahmed yasir today managed to reach Wachi area in Shopian District where he was invited for Friday congregational prayers. Mirwaiz Qazi Yasir later led a massive pro Freedom rally in the area. The Chairman of Ummat e Islami addressing the massive Pro Freedom demonstration said that India should stop flexing muscles on Kashmiri people, because the policy has defeated them and so have the numbers. "The Indian Army through the Policy of Muscles has killed many Militants in this current year but despite that more than 100 local youth have joined the Militant ranks," Mirwaiz Qazi Yasir said. He said that despite lack of training, shortening of shelf life of a Militant, more youth are...

Mirwaiz Qazi Yasir reaches Wachi Shopian Despite Curfew Like Restrictions

July 27 The Chairman of Ummat e Islami and Mirwaiz of South Kashmir, Qazi Ahmed yasir despite curfew like restrictions in Islamabad township has reached Wachi area of Shopian in South Kashmir on friday. In the area, Mirwaiz Qazi yasir had been invited to address Friday gathering, the spokesman of UeI told The Kashmiriyat. He added that making his way through by lanes, apple orchards, muddy waters and fields Mirwaiz Qazi yasir reached Shopian where he will lead a Pro Freedom rally and visit the families of slain youth in that area.