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Centre Passes Triple Talaq Bill, When In reality Divorce Rate in Muslims is Lower than in Hindus

December 28

While the Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi and his government, TV channels and the  supreme Court are all happy about the passing of the  bill against ‘regressive’ practice of triple talaq, here are some facts that put the issue in perspective.

  • The Census of 2011 had put the divorce rate among Muslims at 0.56% (0.76% among Hindus)
  • Neither the government nor the Law Commission has conducted any survey on the extent of triple talaq among Indian Muslims.
  • The only known surveys have been conducted by the Bharatiya Muslim Mahila Andolan (BMMA), which claim the divorce rate among Muslims to be as high as 11% as opposed to the Census.
  • The discrepancy could be because the two surveys done by BMMA covered 4,710 Muslim women from 10 states in one survey and 117 Muslim women from eight states in the second.
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  • In a research conducted in districts of Kerala the number of cases of divorce for Muslims stood at 1,307 against Hindu at 16,505. The cases of divorce for Christians in these districts stood at 4,827 and 8 for Sikhs.
  • Among divorced Indian women, 68 per cent are Hindus whereas just 23.3 per cent are Muslims”, said in a report quoting Census 2011 data on the marital status of Indians.
  • Among divorced men, Hindus account for 76 per cent, and Muslims 12.
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    7 per cent. Both Christian women and men cover 4.1 per cent of their gender-respective divorced groups”, Census 2011 data showed.
  • The highest population of divorced men in the country — 1.03 lakh persons — resides in Gujarat, accounting for 54 per cent of the state’s divorced population

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