Wednesday, March 12News and updates from Kashmir

Contractors’ Committee Calls Off Ongoing Strike into Pending Liabilities

Contractors’ Coordination Committee on Monday called off the ongoing strike into the pending liabilities and other issues after the intervention by CPPL HCC.

In a handout issued here, the Committee maintained that a meeting was called which was presided over by CPPL MD and project director HCC Chaudhary Nagar. In the meeting, as per the handout, Nagar accepted the genuine demands put forth by the Committee representatives.

Nagar, as per the handout, said that the liabilities would be disbursed in a phase-wise manner even as assuring that the management of the disbursement process will be overlooked by him personally till its completion.

Speaking on the occasion Alyas Banihali president Contractors Coordination Committee Ramban, Banihal congratulated the contractors fraternity on the successful redressal of the demand.

Banihali, personally thanked Chaudhary Nagar Singh managing Director CPPL for his “bold commitment to solve the issues in the first instance” even as extending his due appreciation to Issac Joseph for his “effective role and whole hearted support.”

Besides others Aijaz Ahmed Sohil General Secretary, M Y Makroo Spokesperson, Mohammad Saleem Bhat and others also spoke on the occasion, the handout reads.

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