Saturday, February 22News and updates from Kashmir

Cookery Show Brews Trouble for BBC after Host Calls Kashmir a ‘Part of Pakistan’


A program that aired on BBC – “Recipes that Made Me: Kashmir”, a cookery show on Kashmiri cuisine that screened last Saturday in the UK on BBC One, referred to Kashmiri cuisine as “food of the Kashmiri immigrants from northern Pakistan” in an episode set in Yorkshire.

BBC has since, come under fire for broadcasting a show that according to a section of the Indians settled in the UK misrepresented the facts of the region.

Vinod Tikoo, who represents the Jammu Kashmir Study Centre in the UK, said: “The series talks about Kashmiri food from Pakistani occupied region of Jammu and Kashmir but the food and recipes shown are more mainstream Pakistani or from the Jammu region”.

Vinod Tikoo also alleged that the host did not show the subtle yet substantial differences between the Hindu and Muslim cuisines of Kashmir.

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