Thursday, September 26News and updates from Kashmir

Driven by online love, Kashmiri man attempts Illegal entry into Pakistan, Held in Gujarat

In a peculiar turn of events, Imtiyaz Sheikh, a 36-year-old resident of Bandipora, Jammu and Kashmir, was detained by Gujarat police after attempting to cross into Pakistan via the Kutch border.

Sheikh had traveled to Gujarat in hopes of meeting a Pakistani social media influencer from Multan, with whom he had formed an online connection.

Sheikh’s journey led him to Khavda, a village close to the India-Pakistan border. Believing he could secure legal permission to cross the heavily guarded boundary, Sheikh sought help from local villagers, prompting them to inform the authorities.

Sagar Bagmar, the Superintendent of Police in Kutch (West), revealed that Sheikh’s actions were driven by confusion rather than any ill intent. “He was under the impression he could easily cross into Pakistan to meet the woman. It became clear this was more a case of misunderstanding than malice,” said Bagmar.

Following his detention, the police conducted a thorough investigation, including contacting Sheikh’s family and coordinating with authorities in Jammu Kashmir.

Once they confirmed he posed no security threat, Sheikh was released.

However, Inspector MB Chauhan, who was involved in the investigation, suggested that Sheikh may have been mentally unstable, as he seemed convinced that crossing the border through Kutch would be a simpler route to Pakistan.

Sheikh’s misguided attempt was largely based on faulty information from Google Maps, which led him to believe the border crossing could be navigated with minimal effort.

While the incident has caused concern, no criminal charges were filed, and Sheikh has been allowed to return home. Authorities have issued a warning against any further attempts to cross the border illegally.

The episode has raised awareness about the potential risks of online relationships and the importance of verifying information, especially when sensitive borders are involved.

Sheikh’s family, troubled by his actions, has expressed concern over his state of mind, and the police have urged the public to exercise caution in pursuing online connections that might lead to unsafe or unlawful actions.

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