Thursday, March 6News and updates from Kashmir

‘Each Group to Remain Open for 3 Days Only’- Admin Issues Time Table for Shops in Jammu Kashmir

The Jammu Kashmir administration on Wednesday issued a time table dividing the markets into two groups and detailing that shops in each group will be open only for three days.

According to the table accessed by The Kashmiriyat the admin has said that on Monday, Wednesday and Friday Cloth and Readymade Garment Shops, Boutiques, Tailor shops, Hair Saloons, Cosmetic Shops, Beauty Parlours, Gyms and Spas, Jewellery shops and showrooms, Hardware, Cement & Building material Stores, Sanitary goods stores, Glass Houses, Shuttering materials, Gift Shops, Florists and shops dealing with Pooja related items, Mobile shops, Electrical Appliances Shops, and Watch & Electric Repairs Shops will be open.

On Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, Shops including Groceries, Departmental Stores, Confectionary Shops and Shops dealing with multiple item sale, Utensil & Crockery Stores, Toy Shops, Shoes & Chappal Stores, Book and Stationary Shops, Novel Stores, Typing and Printing Shops, Photostat shops, Automobile Showrooms, Service Stations, Welding Shops . Furniture Showrooms and Stores, Home Furnishing items will be open.

The admin said that Chemist shops, Diagnostic Centres, Medical & Clinical Establishments Ware House and Wholesale Establishments, Vegetable and fruit Market, Milk Shops, Meat and Chicken Shops, Eateries & Bakeries, Street Vendors and others dealing with Essential Services & perishable items have been exempted from the ambit of this order.

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