Chief Education Officer (CEO) Bandipora on Thursday asked the principals and Headmasters of 16 schools to explain their position as to why their institution has performed poorly in the recently declared Class 10th results.
An order issued by CEO, a copy of which lies with the news agency—Kashmir News Observer (KNO), reads that “The result of 10th class annual examination 2021 was declared recently and it was observed that 05 Higher Sec Schools and 11 High School have shown 40% or below pass percentage which has been viewed seriously by the Director School Education Kashmir and the Deputy Commissioner Bandipora.”
“This is matter of grave concern and needs to be addressed immediately by fixing the responsibility on the teachers who are responsible for the dismal performance of the students,” it reads.
The order further reads that “in light of the above you are directed to explain your position as to why your institution has performed poorly by recording 40% or below pass percentage of students in the recently declared class 10th result.”
“Besides you are also directed to take immediate necessary action with regard to the below mentioned points and report compliance within 03 days positively, ” it further reads.
The CEO has said that the teachers having zero percentage result in their respective subject shall be deemed to have been placed under suspension with immediate effect.
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“The teachers having 20% or below result in their respective subject, their increment shall be stopped forthwith,” he said.
The order also reads that the teachers with zero and below 20% result be deployed for remedial teaching within their own school, before and after school timing, so that they prepare the students for supplementary examination to be held by JKBOSE.
“All the arrangements on account of remedial classes to be done by poor performing teaching staff of these schools,” it added.
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“The reply to explanation and compliance report from the heads of the institutions who have recorded 40% or below pass percentage in the recently declared class 10 result should reach to this office within 03 days positively without any fail,” reads the order—(KNO)