Sunday, March 9News and updates from Kashmir

Govt constitutes committees to formulate policies for various professional courses, HCI monitoring

The government on Wednesday constituted two separate panels to formulate policies regarding selection of candidates for various professional courses and monitoring of Human Capital Index (HCI).

According to the news agency—Kashmir News Observer (KNO), the General Administration Department (GAD)issued two separate orders in this regard.

In one of the orders, GAD said that it has accorded sanction to the constitution of the committee, comprising the six members for monitoring HCI in Jammu and Kashmir.

The committee will be headed by the principal secretary to the government, School Education Department and comprises chairman of Project Director, Samara Shiksha Abhiyan of JK, additional secretary to the government, Higher Education Department and three others as the members of the committee.

Stating the terms of reference of the committee, GAD said that they shall monitor the Human Development Index (HDI) in JK and the progress to ensure improvement regarding reform actions.

“The committee shall meet frequently at least once a month and ensure on ground the implementation of reform actions. Further, the committee shall submit its report to the School Education Department on quarterly basis,” it reads.

GAD further ordered that the School Education Department shall be the nodal department for monitoring HCI in the Union territory of Jammu and Kashmir.

Likewise, GAD in a separate order approved the constitution of an advisory committee to formulate policies regarding selection of candidates to various professional courses.

“In pursuance of section (22) (1) of JK Board of professional Entrance Examination Act, 2002, sanction is hereby accorded to the constitution of advisory committee, comprising the following for formulating policies regarding selection of candidates to various professional courses in Jammu and Kashmir,” reads the order.

GAD said that the advisory committee will be headed by the chairman of JK Board of Professional Entrance and will act as a convener and comprise Chairman for JK Board of School Education as a Member, Chairman for Permanent Statutory Committee as a member. Besides 19 other officials were also included in the committee.

The functions of the advisory committee shall be to frame policies for the smooth and transparent functioning of the Board.

“The committee shall devise policies to ensure efficient conduct of the entrance tests by the Board and shall suggest measures for maintenance of records of the entrance tests conducted by the Board,” reads the order.

GAD said that the committee shall approve any plan submitted by the Board to ensure timely conclusion of the admission process and counseling thereof. Besides, the committee shall also approve any contingency plan prepared by the Board to strengthen the existing infrastructure.

“Members hailing from Jammu shall be provided free lodging at Srinagar and in Jammu to those hailing from Kashmir, depending upon the venue of the meeting fixed by the J&K Board of Professional Entrance Examinations,” it reads.

The GAD order further states that the members hailing from Delhi shall be provided free lodging at the places depending upon the venue of the meeting fixed by JK Board of Professional Entrance Examinations. “Cost of air tickets shall be reimbursable. Free transportation shall be provided from Airport to the place of stay and vice-versa on the dates of meeting.”—(KNO)

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