Tuesday, February 25News and updates from Kashmir

Ground Report- Lam Nala in Tral Dying a Slow Death, Authorities in Slumber

November 17

Lone Nawaz

As the Govt is watching with keen eyes to curb unemployment rate across the state, But on other hand the fisheries department is taking fro step, being a valuable sector of employment.

As the fisheries department is one of the main sectors to provide employment on one side ,But on the other hand its  slumber has devil effects on employment.

The Lam nala is famous as it is the only perennial nala in Tral sub-district of pulwama district.Due to its perennial nature, this nala not only the main source of water supply for both domestic as well as irrigation purposes but also has its share as employment sector as the part of this nala is under fisheries department.

The Lam nala flows through mountainous region and   shallow and plethora makes its water fresh and naturally filtered and also gives shelter to many aquatic species especially fish.

But day by day the nala is loosing its  character as the encroachment on this waterbody is at its peak since from last couple of years.

From Zambal chinar to to and fro part of this nala upto Deodarpora Gutaangoo and  dharamgund is under fisheries department but the department is not looking serious as the encroachment is mostly in this part of nala.

Mostly the tractor drivers are behind the encroachment of this water body by digging and taking sand and aggregate to nearby villages.despite the concerned department also clued many times about the action against the encroachers but nothing seen on the ground.

Due to This,  the nala  not only get endangered but at the same time it increases the risk of floods.

In Jawaharpora Lam , Deodarpora Guttangoo and Dar Ganie Gund about 70% of the population lives on either banks of this nala. From last couple of  years people mostly drivers have succeeded in raising the illegal encroachment on the banks as well as the midst of nala and the process still continues.

“Ever since the Aripal got the status of the Tehsil, the cases of illegal occupation and encroachment got momentum.

“Though there are the departments like the Irrigation and Flood Control and the Fisheries Department to look after the nala but the authorities of these departments are in slumber.

Every year during monsoon season the nala flows with full version and every time it has caused extensive damage to walnut trees and eroded both of its embankments.

 The silence of these departments may cost dearly to the people in case of another flood and the chances of survival may be minimal then.said local residents of nearby villages.