Wednesday, March 5News and updates from Kashmir

Gujrat Hospital to Treat Covid 19 Patients with Cow Urine and Other Cow-Based Medicines

A 40-bed hospital has been established to treat Covid-19 patients with cow-based medicines & mantras in Tetoda, Deesa taluka of north Gujarat.

The patiets are being treated with Panchgavya’ therapy where they’ll be given medicinal products made of cow’s milk, ghee, urine & dung, Gujarat Samachar reported.

The facility named, ‘Vedalakshana Panchgavya Ayurved Covid Isolation centre has 40 beds in a hall around which grass has been grown which serves twin purpose of providing fodder to the cows as well as keep the place cool. Fans and air coolers too have also been fitted in the hall.

A special ‘Panch Gavya’ kit has been prepared from cow-produced materials for the COVID-19 patients. The Goshala has also kept a stock of oxygen cylinders in case an exigency arises.

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