Monday, March 3News and updates from Kashmir

Support Independent Media

Help The Kashmiriyat Report with Power and Without Influence. It needs you to survive and thrive.

In this age of Post-truth, Fake news, and incentivized misinformation campaigns, it is particularly crucial to sustain and support independent media. The independent media is facing unparalleled challenges, from declining revenue, and new forms of censorship, to threats to journalists’ safety, misinformation campaigns, competition with social media, and growing public distrust. One of the most effective ways for governments to stifle criticism is to starve independent news businesses of finance.

In the past, media houses and digital portals in Kashmir perpetually lasted with the help of local advertisements, but the ban on advertisements altered the dynamics for all. With limited to no resources, we continue to endure all destitutions and work with all morality. While local papers and online portals have surrendered, we continue to flourish and bring the truth to our readers unconventionally.

We at Kashmiriyat operate free of any influence from any authority that needs questioning. We report common interest stories from the ground that impact the things on the ground. We strongly believe in providing the people with facts and facts alone. Data-driven journalism, by using facts and verifiable data. In a time when sensationalism sells as news, The Kashmiriyat understands the responsibility of serious and verified reportage. We encourage the conversation about issues that would otherwise be swept under the rug.

The onslaught of culture and identity for Kashmiris, with weakening authenticity, has only presented the much-needed prominence of reportage that’s factual, brave, and committed to the deliverance of the truth. We believe in brave journalism, and that in the past has got us in daunting circumstances. With pending FIRs and being constantly under the radar of people, only trying to silence us, we emerge stronger.

To bring the best of what we do and progress with precision. We at The Kashmiriyat are starting a subscription model. The Kashmiriyat needs your support to sustain and fight for telling the story of Kashmir and to withstand the manufactured reality imposed on Kashmir against all odds.

You have supported us in the past and we hope that you support us now.

We thank you for investing your trust and time in us.