Monday, October 21News and updates from Kashmir

Hindu Doctor Recites Kalima into the Ears of Dying Muslim in Kerala

A Hindu woman doctor has been receiving appreciation and blessings from across the world for setting an example of humanity and kindness.

Dr Rekha Krishna recited the Islamic prayer, La Ilaha Illalla, Muhammadur Rasululla, in the ears of a dying Muslim patient at a private hospital in Pattambi, in Palakkad city of Kerala.

”I felt that she was having some problems in leaving the earthly abode. Then, I slowly recited Kalima (La Ilaha Illalla, Muhammadur Rasululla) in her ears. I could see her taking a few deep breaths and then she flatlined,” said Dr Rekha.

Dr Rekha says she was born and brought up in Dubai. Hence, she was aware of customs followed by Muslims. “It happened at the spur of the moment — and maybe, because of my upbringing in Dubai,” she said.

The doctor said she only returned the respect and consideration she got in the Gulf.

“I was never discriminated against because of my faith when I was in the Gulf and I returned the respect when I got a chance. I was brought up in a surrounding where every faith is respected,” Dr Rekha said.

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