Yogi Adityanath, the chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh was one of the first key politicians in the country to campaign for the protection of cows. In fact, during the 2017 and 2022 elections, Adityanath’s election campaign focussed around cows, an animal that holds high reverence in Hinduism.
The Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister went to other states including West Bengal, Assam among others where his campaign for the Bhartiya Janta Party focussed around the issue of cow slaughter, which he alleged were being killed by Muslims.
That is not the entire reality, however. Police in Uttar Pradesh have cracked a nexus of Hindu right wing outfit, believed to be in close ties with Adityanath, who slaughtered cows themselves to stoke communal violence in the region.
The Uttar Pradesh Police have claimed that they have uncovered a shocking incident of cow slaughter in UP’s Agra.
Senior members of the Hindu Mahasabha allegedly slaughtered cows themselves to provoke communal violence, which experts say has added massively to the vote bank of Bhartiya Janta Party in the northern states, however, the communal violence has spread to a few southern states too including Karantaka.
The police said that the Hindu Mahasabha lacks the expertise or knowledge to be involved in slaughtering a cow.
According to a report by Amar Ujala, the slaughter was carried out at the new Gupha in the Gautam Nagar of Agra’s Etemad-ud-Daula police station area, an area with a massive muslim population.
The police have accused the Akhil Bharat Handu Mahasabha, with the National Spokesperson Sanjay Jat being named as the main suspect, of conspiring to carry out the cow slaughter.
Some workers of the organization were also allegedly involved in the plot.
However, Jat claimed that he has falsely implicated, and that they had prior knowledge of the incident adding that the Mahasabha will investigate the matter and seek a meeting with Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath.