Sunday, January 12News and updates from Kashmir

Huge Discrepancies in Revenue Records Found by Deputy Commissioner Pulwama.

Suspension and Departmental enquiry has been initiated against 6 Patwaris in Pulwama.

In view of repeated complaints being received from various quarters, surprise inspections of patwar halqas and revenue documents held by Patwaris were conducted by Deputy Commissioner Pulwama, Dr. Raghav Langer throughout the district on Saturday.

During the inspection, the bastas of the Patwaris and its contents were scrutinized in detail and huge discrepancies were noticed. Government orders, instructions issued by Financial Commissioner Revenue (J&K) , Standing Orders 22/23A/23B and provisions of Land Revenue Act were found flouted openly.

In many instances it was found that some of the Patwaris have not conducted the Girdawari (biannual post harvest crop inspections) in their halqas since 2015-16.

During physical inspection of records it was found that illegal entries in the state land / kahcharie land have not been expunged in the revenue records despite clear cut directions from FCR office and Deputy Commissioner’s Office .

Similarly in some instances it was found that even though Jamabandis have been reported to have been completed by the Tehsildars; however on ground Jamabandis are still incomplete/under preparation/ under Partal (verification).

During the inspection discrepancies were noticed in the Daily register ( Roznamcha – waqiati ), Inspection register (Fard – Partal) , Naqulaat register (for revenue extracts) and village chowkidara register; it was found that these registers have not been updated since a long period of time.

Many vital revenue documents were also found missing from the Bastas.

The Deputy Commissioner also observed overwriting of entries in some Jamabandis, without the attestation of the senior officers. Similarly delays were found in the timely attestation of mutations.

Strict warning has been issued by the Deputy Commissioner to the Tehsildars to set the house in order and if in future discrepancy is noticed in what is being reported to the higher authorities and the actual position of the records on ground, strict action shall be initiated.

In view of violations noticed on spot during the surprise inspections, Patwaris of halqas Tral-e-payeen, Noorpora & Kakapora were immediately suspended.

Similarly departmental enquiries were initiated against Patwaris of halqas – Awantipora, Khrew/Nagender & Kandizal; besides issuance of showcase notices to others.

Meanwhile Deputy Commissioner Pulwama has directed all the Tehsildars to maintain the revenue records as per Rules and ensure timely updation of girdawaris and jamabandis in line with the Government instructions; reiterating that there shall be zero tolerance in case of any laxity in this regard.

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