Militant groups and their handlers are switching from Whatsapp and Facebook messenger to other applications to communicate with each other, Amid a raging debate over privacy offered by these messaging platforms, according to a report published on PTI.
Government forces have said that the groups are using three new applications which has come to light during the recent encounters, the names of these messaging apps have been withheld for security reasons.
They said that out of three applications, one is developed by a Turkish company and is used most by the Militant outfits operating in the valley.
These applications are said to have the ability to work fine with the slowest (2G) internet connections as the Government has suspended internet across Jammu Kashmir after the abrogation of the special status of the erstwhile state in August 2019.
The Indian Government has not restored the high-speed Mobile internet services stating that Militant groups are using it for their Anti-National agenda, however, this new finding has raised serious questions on the 4G ban in Jammu Kashmir.
All encryption and decryption happens directly on the devices, therefore, reducing third party intervention at any point and these apps use the encryption algorithm RSA-2048 which was adopted as the most secure encrypted platform.
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RSA is an American Network Security and Authentication company that was founded in 1982 by US-born Ron Rivest, Israeli-born Adi Shamir and US-born Leonard Adleman. The acronym RSA is used worldwide as the foundation key in the cryptosystem.
One of the new messaging apps used by the Militants, as per the report, does not even ask for phone numbers or emails for enabling complete user anonymity. The Government Forces said that efforts are being made to block such applications in Jammu Kashmir.
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