Sunday, March 9News and updates from Kashmir

Indian ambassador to Palestine found dead in the Indian embassy in Ramallah: Reports

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Emigrants of Palestine in a press release said that Indian Ambassador to Palestine has died under mysterious circumstances.

In a press release the Ministry said, “We received with great astonishment and shock the news of the death of the Ambassador of the Republic of India to the State of Palestine, Mukul Arya, and we express great sadness, loss and pain at his death.”

It said, We are making official contacts with the Indian Foreign Ministry to complete arrangements for transporting the body of the deceased ambassador to his country.

President Mahmoud Abbas and Prime Minister Muhammad Shtayyeh issued immediate instructions to all security, police and public authorities, in addition to the Ministry of Health and Forensic Medicine, to immediately move to the residence of the Indian ambassador in Ramallah; To find out more about the death.

” All parties are fully prepared to do what is required of them in such difficult and emergency circumstances,” the ministry said.

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