Sunday, January 12News and updates from Kashmir

‘It is a Black Law’- Protest Staged in Jammu to Protest New Land Law

Mubashir Naik

Decrying the new land law, protest demonstrations were staged in Jammu on Wednesday noon, the protests were staged by People’s Democratic Party and National Panthers Party.

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National Panther Party during the protest demonstration against the newly introduced JKUT Land Law in Jammu Kashmir referring to the new law as dictatorial and said that the new Law is aimed at snatching people of their lands and jobs.

“We will not allow the new law to be implemented which is against the consent of the people of Jammu Kashmir. The news laws are being implemented at a time when there is no functional legislature in Jammu Kashmir,” Panthers party said.

The People’s Democratic party calling the law as ‘Black Law’ staged a protest and said that the people of Jammu are being put in a frying pan.
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“If people of Jammu will not stand against the bill, history will never forget us,” a leader of PDP said.

He accused the Bhartiya Janta party of trying to change the demography in the region by ‘Forcing the laws upon us.
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‘ He said that the BJP has been making unilateral decisions against the people of the region.

Shouting slogans against the ‘Black Law’ the PDP said that the Government is planning to gift our land on a platter to their wealthy friends.

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