Sunday, February 23News and updates from Kashmir

JKPSC postpones exams scheduled in November and December

Jammu Kashmir Public Service Commission (JKPSC) has postponed several exams scheduled in the ongoing month (November) and December.

“In continuation to this office notice dated 9-11-2023 and dated 16-11-2023 this is for the information of all the concerned candidates that the Written Examination(s)/Departmental Examination(s) which were scheduled to be held on 26-11-2023, 04-12-2023, 10-12-2023, 12-12-2023 and 17-12-2023 are hereby postponed till further notice”, reads a notice, a copy of which lying with GNS.

“The candidates in their own interest are also advised to be prepared for the exam which can be scheduled at a short notice on the direction of the Commission”, reads the notice further. (GNS)

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