Wednesday, February 26News and updates from Kashmir

Kashmir- Beyond Non Electoral and Electoral Politics

February 11

Advocate Mujeeb u Rehman

“Captivated Life”  stands born  in a bid to let political aspirations, the sentiments of people within j&k to control, to fragment and to deviate. This fact has let life here in Kashmir to such a meaning and a scope  where it (life) gets translated every hour as per the Situations.

A tumultuous narrative undoubtedly a precarious one comes fore while defining life of a common man where Domiciles Sword is hanging all the fore within the cross blades of rival interests.

But at the same time this fact can never be isolated and ignored that life demands  space to grow, groom and flourish. It is here at where life  itself is imprisoned in Kashmir, where hope is censored to despair. One witness social fabric  tormented one , with deep holes ,with bruises and injuries of varied dimension.  The same has even outnumbered the conception itself.

 Crime and criminals have born within and the society is facing brunt of the fire at every corner. This sign is admittedly no more any a healthy sign for any a society more so, when  Youth  always remain connected and live to each and every happenings every where in the world and in this segment Kashmir  lagging no more behind. In the present day global village concept netizens constitute the new order. The impressions and expressions  run and develop faster.  But here in vent to it is  too controlled.

We have a “Selective Democracy” born where at times whip of law and some times Might plays the show .Both stand certified to be justified within the tone and tenor of every Oppressor.

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The situation prevailing herein has virtually changed the discourse of Democratic principles and has let born an inert energy to empower Might in any shape not  to less than that of any a Dictator , not less that of  any a Hitler but with a mask of Democracy or under the shroud of  Grand principles of  any a Faith.

This  extreme injustice  has subjugated the inert human desires in day to day common life where in environs of life go aborted, run asthmatic , drawing a smoky screen as to future.

This oppressive phase of life from last more than three decades has lead  to a martial mindset  within the society. Reason and logic has taken a back seat in the society. The peers of the society prefer to be stay in hibernation. Altogether the  life has scored such a dimension where principles of honesty and integrity has become an  out dated ingredient.

An abnormal behaviour is rampant every where. Institutions of society have earned a bad name on account of indiscipline and integrity. Because I society is broken, shattered ,fragmented and leaned more to individualism rather than to collectivism as a society.

Within this sordid state of affairs where society on account of silent erosion has undergone a deep and unimaginable fall and decline where it is now a totally disfigured one and where within all difficulties it is  to call   a society and when the hard fact being as to  it of being   a crowd amidst  broken promises, oppression, selective and so called contained democracy.

Studying the political graphics within this mixed lot as aforeheld one has to admit military gadgets being pushed to in  every compartment be under one name or the other rather to craft for any a statesmanship approach to born a conduit to any a win win situation rather to confusions and to bloodshed.

The voices  born within the grey matrix to play positive to let this society not to dip more  and more to crisis of every lot and not bugging from it’s principle stand of peaceful resolution of Kashmir imbroglio as per aspirations of her people and  at the same time wishing to Guard  the interests of the State as a sentinel against the treasures of the State,it’s resources and history need to be not misunderstood as this feature   is not  to prove  broody but bloody with a colossal loss  of the people of this tragedy called Kashmir.

The extreme energies born within the society and under the impression and urge to get their opponents weird and exhausted to break each other’s stamina has lead to caught and fraught situation having  society to fracture ,  fragment, to bleed and bleed profusely. The better potion  of the wisdom calls not to undermine the efforts to circumvent the society to run berserk, to be an unruly mob ,a position worst than being dragged to a war zone and it seems to be otherwise at the verge of it’s extinction as a responsive society.

All the players within and abroad do need to estimate and never to undermine the capacities of any a human block to sustain or to contain the pressures. Things going beyond capacities are sure to collapse the edifice itself and are to let things to go counter productive  for any of the forces on ground. Rather to much of the experimentation on hypothetical basis time speaks to come fore together for an inclusive dialogue among the non electoral politics and the new middle space orientations to look beyond and fore rather to distractions.

Kashmir imbroglio is all horrendous to damage and destroy beyond the Crater and in this state of acknowledgement it is no electoral politics and the newborn grey matter seemingly in the aftermath of above to take an initiative to let things run parallel as a synergy to let things not to boomerang ,the one otherwise potent to confusions and convulsions.

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