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Kashmir Forgot that it was the Hearing of Article 370 today

August 24

The plea challenging the Article 370 of the Indian Constitution which was to be heard on Friday, has been deferred by the Supreme Court to September.

“The petition was listed for hearing on Friday but we have been informed by the court that it has been deferred to September,” advocate-general DC Raina said.

Raina, according to the report, said the petition was deferred by the Supreme Court’s roster as important cases like reservation and promotion were pending before the constitutional bench.

The petition filed by Kumari Vijayalakshmi Jha contends that the article 370 was a temporary provision that had automatically lapsed with the dissolution of the J&K’s Constituent Assembly on January 26, 1957.

The petition was earlier dismissed by the Delhi High Court in April 2017.

In the week beginning September 27, the Supreme Court will hear a bunch of petitions challenging the validity of Article 35-A of the Constitution, which bars outsiders from buying immovable property in the state.

The Hurriyat Leadership had called for a statewide shutdown on August 26 and 27 to protest against the petitions challenging the validity of Article 35-A.


(This news Item was originally published on Free Press Kashmir)

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