Monday, March 10News and updates from Kashmir

Kashmiri Traders Express Concern Over Government’s Move to Produce Pashmina in UP

The Associated Chamber of Commerce and Industry Kashmir (CCIK) in a statement expressed serious concern over the tie-up of Khadi and Village Industries Commission (KVIC) and Khadi Institutions from Varanasi and Ghazipur districts in Uttar Pradesh for processing Raw Pashmina wool.

Tariq Rashid Ghani, the president of CCIK President said with this initiative the Pashmina wool products of Leh-Ladakh, Jammu Kashmir, will now be woven in Varanasi which will affect the livelihood of many artisans from Kashmir and Ladakh. He said the art is unique and indigenous with Kashmir and skilling outside J&K artisans with the art will have severe consequences on its originality and also affect local artisans.

CCIK has urged the LG administration to prevail upon the KVIC for reconsidering the decision. “Earlier also the ban on Shahtoosh affected Kashmir’s industry and now skilling outside J&K artisans with our unique art of Pashmina wool will affect the handicraft industry badly.”

CCIK President said the Khadi institutions of Varanasi have purchased 500 kg of raw Pashmina wool from Leh recently and brought it to Delhi for processing.

“The huge quantity of raw wool export will hit our industry and needs to be processed in Leh and Kashmir only to boost our own trade and help artisans. We appeal to LG of Ladakh and LG of J&K to immediately look into the matter and save the industry.”

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