Sunday, February 23News and updates from Kashmir

Kashmiriyat- Muslims Make Arrangements for Hindu Fest in South Kashmir

July 15

It is evident that the Kashmiri migrant Pandits are temporarily residing in different regions of the country but still they are physically & spiritually attached to their mother land Kashmir.

Today hundreds of Kashmiri Pandits visited the Akingam area of Islamabad (Anantnag) District to celebrate the Hawn/birthday of Shiva Baghwati.

Muslims had arranged food for the Hindu folk and made other necessary arrangements for the religious event in the South Kashmir district here.

This three day Hawn is celebrated thrice in a year particularly in April (Ramnawmy day), in October (Mahanawmy day) & Ashardatiya; when foreign pilgrims visit this temple.

While talking to trustees they traced the origin to thousands of years in the past when Shiva Baghwati was in the up hills at Badi Bawani in the dense forests of Akingam.

The great preacher & spiritual worshipper of Shiva Baghwati used to visit the sacred place from Bragam-Dooru.

According to the trustees Raja of Kashmir had allotted 100 canals of forest land to burn the Dhoni (the sacred fire for pooja) but today everything has changed.

A socio-religious leader & Trustee Durga Nath Bhat told The Kashmiriyat that the Muslim brothers have provided full cooperation & support to celebrate the Hawn & also participated in all required activities.

He also told that Kashmiri Muslims should cooperate to bring the Kashmiri migrants back to their mother land Kashmir.