The Jammu Kashmir People’s Democratic Party (PDP), on Wednesday, staged protest outside the party office in Jammu. The former Chief Minister of the erstwhile state of Jammu Kashmir and the PDP chief Ms. Mehbooba Mufti joined the protest against Monday’s civilian killings.
The party workers raised slogans against the Modi government and asked them to end impunity against Kashmiris. “STOP KILLING US”, “PROBE HYDERPORA KILLINGS”, “END IMPUNITY” and “HANDOVER BODIES TO FAMILIES”, the placards held by the party workers read. They demanded that the bodies be returned to the families.
Yesterday, Ms. Mufti, demanding probe into the killings after the allegations of the family members said in a tweet, “Using innocent civilians as human shields, getting them killed in cross firing & then conveniently labelling them as OGWs is part of GOIs rulebook now,”
“Imperative that a credible judicial enquiry is done to bring out the truth & put an end to this rampant culture of impunity,” she added.
It is pertinent to mention that the police on Monday evening claimed that an “encounter” had broken in Srinagar’s Hyderpora, where 2 militants and an associate was killed. The next day, it was discovered that another person, a doctor, was also killed in the said “encounter.” However, three of the four slains’ families staged protests and denied police’s claims.