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Militancy Growing Swiftly- Two More Youth From Pulwama Join Lashkar e Taiba

August 10

Though the Government Forces have been escalating Anti Militancy operation and making appeals to youth to move away from Militancy.

However these growing encounters two more youth from South Kashmir district of Pulwama have joined the Militant ranks.

Sources told The Kashmiriyat that Adil Ahmed Wani son of Maznoor Ahmed Wani, a resident of Padgampora in Awantipora area of Pulwama District has joined Militant outfit Lashkar e Taiba.

His photograph with a gun has gone viral over the social networking.

Meanwhile another youth from Pampore identified as Mohammed Amin Mir whose family had issued an appeal asking Amin to return home has also posed with an AK47 Gun.

Amin was working as a distributor for Khyber Milk and is an orphan, Sources told The Kashmiriyat.

Son of Ghulam Mohammed Mir, Amin is a resident of Drangbal locality in Pampore area of Pulwama District and has joined the Militant outfit Lashkar e Taiba.

Locals from Drangbal Pulwama told The Kashmiriyat that Amin had been missing since the past few days.

in 2018, The Militant recruitment till now has already crossed 120 and there seems to be no halt to it even though Indian Security Forces are concerned and trying to woo away youth from joining Militancy.

2018 is so far the year of highest Militant recruitment in the recent past, the recruitment  has picked pace after the three encounters that were held on 01 April this year.

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