Wednesday, March 12News and updates from Kashmir

Order to celebrate ‘Cow Hug’ day instead of Valentine’s day in India withdrawn

Days after issuing an order asking people to celebrate February 14 as Cow Hug day instead of Valentine’s day, the Animal Welfare Board of India has withdrawn the order.

“As directed by the competent authority and Ministry of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry and Dairying the appeal issued by the Animal Welfare Board of India for the celebration of Cow Hug Day on February 14, 2022 stands withdrawn,” a fresh order of the Animal Welfare Board of the Indian Government read.

The Animal Welfare Board of India had urged Indians to observe “Cow Hug Day” on February 14 ahead on Valentine’s Day.

In a formal communication, the board emphasised the value of cows to Indian culture and the rural economy, and urged people to observe Cow Hug Day to enrich people’s lives emotionally and make them happier.

“All the cow lovers may also celebrate February 14 as Cow Hug Day keeping in mind the importance of mother cow and making life happy and full of positive energy,” stated the notice by the Animal Welfare Board.

The notice also noted that the strong influence of western culture is putting Vedic traditions in danger of extinction. The board urged people to observe Cow Hug Day in order to protect and promote the nation’s heritage.

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