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Pakistan Army is Treating me Well, Says Captured Wing Commander of Indian Force, India Demands #BringAbhinandanBack

February 27

“Pakistan Army is treating me well,” the allegedly captured Indian Air Force wing commander has said in a fresh video released by Pakistan.

The Pakistani Army spokesman, Major General Asif Ghafoor earlier on Wednesday had said that they have shot down an Indian War plane and captured two pilots of Indian Air Force.

ALSO READ: Wing Commander of Indian Air Force Arrested by Army, Claims Pakistan

In an earlier video, the alleged Indian Air Force commander identified himself as a wing commander of Indian Air Force and his name is Abhinandan and is from down South of India.

His photos with other pilots of Indian Air Force are being widely shared over Social media.

Meanwhile voices demanding the release of Abhinandan have grown in India as various people took to social media platforms, twitter and facebook. Indians have been demanding the release of the captured pilot hastaging, “#BringAbhinandanBack.”

The Ministry of External Affairs in India has said that one of its pilots is “missing in action,” however no official comment has been heard about the identity of the missing pilot as of yet.

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