Sunday, January 12News and updates from Kashmir

Pakistan Teen Hailed As ‘Holy Warrior’ For Shooting US Blasphemy Suspect

Faisal Khan, a 15-year old, from Pakistan has become a hero for the nation’s public. He is being celebrated by people in the streets of Peshawar for gunning down 57-year old Tahir Naseem in a courtroom in north-western Pakistan on July 29. Naseem, a US citizen was accused of blasphemy.

Naseem was accused of condescending the Quran and the Prophet Muhammad. According to witnesses, Khan dodged three security checkpoints while on his way to the courtroom and fired multiple shots at Naseem at a bail hearing. Naseem died on the spot and Khan is charged with murder.

But, the people of Pakistan have hailed Khan as ‘Holy Warrior’ and the case has directed global attention towards Pakistan’s blasphemy laws.

Thousands of people are protesting and rallying on the streets of Pakistan, demanding Khan’s release but the case has not yet reached a stage where Khan can enter a plea. Selfies of police force guards and locals with Khan have surfaced on the social media platforms where Khan can be seen in all-white attiring, grinning broadly.

Though Pakistan’s Foreign Ministry had set up a special team to investigate the case assuring that it will be dealt with in a lawful manner, prosecuting Khan will not be a cake-walk for the authorities as he has already become a hero for the public.

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