Saturday, March 15News and updates from Kashmir

Pipeline project in Qazigund triggers more protests


Residents of scores of villages in Anantnag have complained of shortage of drinking water in their villages.

Earlier this week, The Kashmiriyat reported that the locals of Panzath area protested against the construction of a pipeline project in Panzath, Qazigund.

The locals expressed, “We have no issue with the pipeline if it is constructed near the dam, but the spring we have here that they want to withdraw water from has a limited discharge of water, so the pipeline will cause water shortage to us.”

As the Department of Public Health Engineering is determined to proceed with the project using the spring as the water source, despite its inadequacy for Panzath, the residents of the the villages where the pipeline is being taken staged a protest against its construction.

They demanded that the proposed pipeline be constructed near the dam rather than the spring.

“The stream originates in Panzath, which remains dry for nearly six months and is insufficient to meet the needs of Panzath itself,” the residents stated.

The latest s by Public Health Engineering Department aims to provide water to several villages, including Drien, Badragund, Bonigam, Babapora, and Yarhole Nawa.

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