On Monday, Jammu Kashmir police said that a fake SIM Card racket has been busted and three accused have been arrested in the Baramulla district.
In a statement, a copy of which lies with The Kashmiriyat, the police said that Baramulla police busted a fake SIM card racket who were issuing fake SIM cards after managing to forge documents for issuance of SIM cards.
The statement further reads that three accused persons namely Owais Farooq Waza S/O Farooq Ahmad Waza R/O Mohalla Jamia Baramulla, Suhail Aziz Mir S/O Ab Aziz R/O Suhail Colony Baramulla, and Javid Ahmad Kanjwal S/O Ab Ahad R/O Jalal Sahib Baramulla were arrested in the instant case. The police has also recovered some incriminating material which includes mobile phones along with SIM cards, electronic gadgets, and documents from their possession.
A relevant case under sections of UA (P) Act and IPC has been registered against them in Police Station Baramulla and an investigation has been set in motion.