Wednesday, March 12News and updates from Kashmir

Post-earthquake, Syrians forced to sleep on roads as US blocks relief-aid: Report

Despite a major earthquake that hit the nation, Syrian people are suffering from the blockade imposed by the United States of America and several other Western nations.

Most of the help to Syria has come from nearby Muslim countries including Iran, and Jordan and local self-help groups have been engaged in huge relief and rescue operations with a little help from the Government agencies, reported Sana.

“The US deprives the Syrian people of their most basic rights, shortage in electricity, food, and medicine. Meanwhile, the US occupation forces in Syrian Al-Jazeera are still looting and stealing the Syrian national resources, especially oil, gas and wheat,” the news agency reported.

Pertinently, an earthquake measuring 7.7 magnitude struck a number of Syria and Turkey on Monday that killed over 20,000 people in Turkey and Syria.

Sana reported that Thursday it was raining heavily and on a stormy night, many people slept in the open as the number of earthquake victims reached more than 1,200 lives with more than 2,000 injured.

There are not enough vehicles or equipment to remove the rubble that was lifted by hands, and there are no fire trucks or ambulances, and America does not allow aid to reach Syria, reported the local news agency.

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