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PSAJK condemns suspension of recognition of R P School

September 15

Private Schools’ Association of Jammu Kashmir (PSAJK) today condemned the suspension of recognition of R P School, a reputed educational institute In Srinagar.

The Association termed it as a blatant misuse of power by the people who are in authority. “R P School is one of the best schools in the entire state. It has produced thousands of position holder students and its alumni are spread all around the world,” said G N Var, chairman PSAJK. “One cannot just issue an order and place at risk career of thousands of students.”

The Association said that taking cognizance of complaints and working for the betterment of education is indeed a good step taken by the government, but issuing orders that force educational institutes to close down is a dangerous situation. “We feel there is some hidden hand accomplishing the conspiracy of pushing Kashmiris away from quality education,” said Var.

The Association said that nobody can deny the fact that RP School has a tremendous contribution towards the society in the education sector and closing such institutes can never be for the betterment of the society.

The Association said that on one hand government has utterly failed to provide quality education despite heavy investments and on the other hand private schools who provide quality education are being closed down.

Government fails to understand that it is due to these schools that our students are nowadays able to compete at national and international levels,” said Var.

The Association has decided to approach the court for judicial intervention in this important matter. The Association has assured the parents and the entire society that despite challenges they will continue to work with dedication in the education sector.

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