Monday, March 17News and updates from Kashmir

‘She was married to me too,’ Pulwama man on Rajouri ‘runaway’ bride

The woman from Rajouri district who allegedly married at least 27 men from Budgam has another victim, the latest from Rajouri.

In a reptation of the same modus operandi, the Pulwama man identified as Mohammed Rafiq said he was married in the dark of the night on 16 November 2022 and six days later, the woman, Shaheena escaped from the man.

Mohammed Ayoub Ahanger, he alleged, took 50,000 from the Pulwama man to get him married to the rajouri girl and another middleman from Rajouri took 1,50,00 from him.

“Four days after the wedding, Shaheena told me that her father was sick, and she needed to go back to Rajouri. I left with her immediately to Rajouri where we stayed in the hotel. At the hostel, she said she will hand me over to the army,” he claimed.

The man tried to call the middleman from Shopian’s Keller area, but he feigned ignorance I had given 1,70,000 as Mehar (security money), another 50,000 for her clothes, but most of the money was transferred or given in cash to the middlemen, he said.

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