Friday, October 18News and updates from Kashmir

Residents Chotta Bazar in Srinagar express frustration over unpaved road and Waterlogging

The Residents of Chotta Bazar in Kani Kadal have voiced their frustration and disappointment over the deteriorating condition of the road in their area.

Despite multiple pleas to the local administration, the roads remain without macadamization, causing numerous problems for the locals, ranging from accidents to chronic waterlogging.

The road, has been in a state of disrepair for several years, with pedestrians and motorists alike struggling to navigate the pothole-ridden surface.

Additionally, the absence of a proper drainage system results in severe waterlogging during rainfall, further worsening the situation.

Fayaz Ahmad, a local resident, expressed his frustration, saying, “The condition of this road has been the same for many years. A few months ago, after our continuous complaints, drainage work was started, but even that was only completed on half of the road. The road is in the worst condition. Accidents and waterlogging have become a routine occurrence. We demand that the concerned officials visit the area themselves to witness the situation.”

The residents are urging the administration to take immediate action and macadamize the roads to alleviate the difficulties they face daily.

With winter approaching, they fear the situation will only worsen, making their calls for attention even more urgent. (News Eye)

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