Wednesday, March 12News and updates from Kashmir

‘Rising Stars 2’ Held in Baramulla to Encourage ‘New Artists’

Rising stars 2 an event for the up and coming artists of Kashmir organized at Sherwani hall Baramulla.

In a press release issued to The Kashmiriyat, Nine crews in association with Kash events and advertising today organized “Rising stars 2” in which many up and coming artists of the valley showed their talent in different genres such as Singing, Rapping, cinematography, and poetry.

The audience was amazed to see such talent flourishing in the valley and they appreciated every performance with zeal and zest.

The Guest of honors included Mohammed Shafi Sopori, Hassan Zareen, and Rapper Ashu, other guests who were there to encourage the budding artists included Tariq Rasool and Sahil Muzaffar.

“We will continue to provide a platform for young artists of Kashmir so that they can further polish their talent and contribute towards the society,” said 9 crews director Mr.Junaid Bhat.

“We will continue this series of a Rising star in other districts also,” said Kash events and advertising founder miss Snober .

The show ended with a vote of thanks by the team member of 9 crews miss Tabish Antoo

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