Wednesday, March 12News and updates from Kashmir

Salehgalwan Nawabazar Inhabitants Decry Low Voltage

’Transformer Requisitioned By Chief Engineer Concerned Almost Year Before Yet To Be Installed’

Inhabitants in Salehagalwan in Nawabazar Srinagar are up in arms against Power Development Department over the persisting low-voltage issue even after a transformer was requisitioned for the locality by Chief Engineer almost a year ago.

A delegation of the locals told GNS that there are at least forty households which are suffering for the want of proper electricity for a long time now. “The supply voltage is so low that most of the time, we are unable to charge even our mobile phones”, a local said.

“It happened that after persuasion, the JE concerned conducted an on-ground assessment of the locality and it was only after he found the grievance as genuine a requisition was drafted wherein the department official asked the higher-ups to install a 100 KV transformer in the locality”, he said adding however even after almost a year, we are still suffering with the same old supply.

“We fall under grid station Pather Masjid, I took the copy of the requisition along to Shireen Bagh from where the copy was forwarded to Chief Engineer’s office for realization”, he said adding later on at least two occasions, I was told by the officials at CEs office that the transformer will be installed, but as I said nothing has happened so far.

“Even the strength of wiring in the area has also waned out resulting in tripping of the fuses’ every now and then and if it happens that the fuse trips in evening hours, the locality is rendered without electricity for rest of the night hours”, he said adding even the poles lie in a dilapidated condition.

“If this is the situation despite intervention from the Chief Engineer concerned, we are left with little hope from others”, he said.
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“We somehow expect that higher ups will wake up and redress the issue to mitigate the sufferings of people”, the delegation members said. (GNS)

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